VCU University Band

I just finnished the longest ride so far, 81.3 miles to Richmond, VA.
I went a little further south than I was gonna, but I get to see a
friend from back home going to college here. And even caught her
concert by luck.

2 thoughts on “VCU University Band

  1. Yo Mike, Cuz Naomi in Miami..
    Just rec’d this blog address from your Dad (via Cuz Gerard)
    WOW !!!
    Incredible that “Little Mike” is
    embarking on this adventure !!
    You’ll be in our thoughts and we’ll
    check in regularly.
    WOW!! again AAWWSOME !!!!

    Sending some LOVE :):):)

    LUV YA Nomee and GERARD

  2. Lil’ Mike, Cuz Gerard/Miami
    WOA!!!!! I praise you and wish you luck on your TRIP! It’s better than drinking BEER from a soda can like your DAD and my bro did when we were young..(or is it)
    Anyways, it takes guts and you have them. Hope all is well and as Naomi said, we’ll keep in touch and track with you on this journey.
    Love Gerard and Naomi

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