Tijuana, Mexico

Yesterday I went the 25.2 miles across the border to Mexico. I stayed
in Tijuana, which was wild. No border control whatsoever getting in,
so cool.

As much as I'd love to keep going, this is where I call it quits. This
trip has been 3 months 20 days, and 5204.4 miles I won't forget.
Thanks to everyone that checked in on me from time to time.

From here it's public transportation for me, making some stops along
the way. So the way back should be a little quicker.

Thanks again, later,

8 thoughts on “Tijuana, Mexico

  1. So without sounding too lame, I have to say that your trip has been an inspiration. So a big fuck yeah! to you.

    We’re taking you out for some VH when you get back.

  2. Really? No more posts? Now what am I going to look at every morning on my way to work?

    Seriously, I am so proud (and jealous) of you. You rode your bike to Mexico! That just sounds incredible. You will have a lifetime of memories left to share of your hard work. And you get extra credit for camping most of the time and doing it alone. Even for the small population who does these sorts of things, that’s a definate one-up.


    Can’t wait to see you in a few days! We miss having you here.

  3. I am glad you decided to blog.It’s been fun checking up on you and I hope we can cross paths soon.You made it all that way with your butt intact and you proved me wrong.
    You rule.


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