All Boxed Up

The bikes are boxed up and ready to go in the morning. Hopefully it won’t be too hard to find boxes for the return trip.


5 thoughts on “All Boxed Up

  1. Wow. You and mike are seeing some pretty cool things. Tom wants to know how you can have a vegan deer.. That makes no sense. What is it made out of..? Send some moe pictures. Did you get pictures of the monks? How are you handling the heat? That is our kind of weather. Warm soda just does not sound good. Do they not have ice or something? Why don’t you google the info you see on the signs? Wouldn’t it tell you what it says.? Oh yeah. Tom just asked me how would you type Vietnamese letters. Ha ha ha. Not sure. Blond I guess. Hope you’re having a great time. We will keep watching. Have fun!

  2. Wow. You and mike are seeing some pretty cool things. Tom wants to know how you can have a vegan deer.. That makes no sense. What is it made out of..? Send some moe pictures. Did you get pictures of the monks? How are you handling the heat? That is our kind of weather. Warm soda just does not sound good. Do they not have ice or something? Why don’t you google the info you see on the signs? Wouldn’t it tell you what it says.? Oh yeah. Tom just asked me how would you type Vietnamese letters. Ha ha ha. Not sure. Blond I guess We will keep watching. Have fun!

  3. Wow. You and mike are seeing some pretty cool things. Tom wants to know how you can have a vegan deer.. That makes no sense. What is it made out of..? Send some . Did you get pictures of the monks? How are you handling the heat? That is our kind of weather. Warm soda just does not sound good. Do they not have ice or something? Why don’t you google the info you see on the signs? Wouldn’t it tell you what it says.? Oh yeah. Tom just asked me how would you type Vietnamese letters. Ha ha ha. Not sure. Blond I guess We will keep watching. Have fun!

    • The vegan deer is supposed to taste like deer I guess but it’s just made out of wheat gluten. I’ll try to bring some home cause it wasn’t bad. The heat was pretty terrible earlier in the week. The high humidity makes it worse. Your skin is wet all day. It has cooled off drastically for now though. As for the ice, they have it but we are not supposed to use it because their water isn’t treated. we tried to translate the signs but it comes out as nonsense, though we do have a Vietnamese keyboard on our phones. Thanks for checking this out. You should come here one day!

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