Dong Ha to Hue, 44.5

Today turned out to be a pretty great day, even though we had the first flat tire of our trip. We fixed it quickly and made it to the Google Hotel by 11:00. No affiliation.

The city is centered around a large citadel that was mostly destroyed during the war. We spent some time walking around inside.

Then we made a stop at a massive outdoor market. There are many exotic fruits here that we had never tried.

This is our bounty, including jackfruit, dragonfruit, mangosteen and the thing in the top right that may be a guava. We are not sure.

We found an amazing vegetarian Buddhist restaurant. Possibly our best meal yet and all this for 95,000 dong ($5 US).

To top that all off we are writing this over free beer, courtesy of google. We will be spending an extra day here for sure.

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