Hue to Da Nang, 67.6mi

Today was probably the toughest yet most enjoyable yet. Started off in the rain but it didn’t last. This ride included Hai Van Pass which tops out around 1600ft elevation and made for some great views…

…that is until the we reached the fog and had maybe 50 feet of visibility.

We met up with a tour of 60 cyclist from Thailand on the hill. They were fun and all wanted a pictures with us.

We ended the day on China Beach in Da Nang, not too bad.

We took some video from this ride. We’ll try to post it here soon.

5 thoughts on “Hue to Da Nang, 67.6mi

  1. to bad about the fog.1600ft. must have been hard to breath.Was the bike tour heading south too?

    • Yea only 1600ft. We did a ton of climb riding in CA so it wasn’t really that terrible. Still one more tough climb ahead of us, Dalat is at 4900ft.

      The Thai tour was going the same way but only a 10 piece of our ride. Plus they had a bus carrying all their stuff. So they wee pretty impressed by us.

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