Da Nang to Hoi An, 16.4mi

It rained our entire short ride down the beach, but at this point we are getting used to it. In addition to walking around the city, we took care of retrieving our passports which were not returned to us by the hotel two nights ago. They sent them via bus. It was a bit of a runaround trying to intercept them and the bus driver tried to shake us down for 5 bucks, but we have them back.

Aside from that we had lunch at an all vegan place with some Vietnamese takes on western food. It was so good we are back there right now to try more of the menu. If you are ever in Hoi An be sure to stop at Karma Waters.

Our hotel has an indoor pool so that is the plan for the rest of the evening.

4 thoughts on “Da Nang to Hoi An, 16.4mi

  1. Your trip is great. We only made it to east Syracuse.
    Looks like you are having a great time.

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