Quy Nhon to Tuy Hoa, 63.8mi

Today was a pretty tough ride. Constant ups and downs, then a head wind at the end that made the downs feel like more ups. Some pretty nice views though. The heat also got turned way up. All this after a later than usual start because of a second GI illness.

We have been surviving on fruit, ramen, white rice, 50¢ Red Bulls, and the occasional plate of fried vegetables. Communicating beyond simple exchanges at shops has proved to be near impossible. Most of our attempts at Vietnamese are incomprehensible since pronunciation is so important. Even a slight change in pitch can completely change the meaning of the word. Unfortunately only the junk food at the rare supermarket has English ingredients labeled.



7 thoughts on “Quy Nhon to Tuy Hoa, 63.8mi

  1. feel bad to hear about another sick day. mabey it was road dirt in the white rice? great pics looks like mabey only 3 more days of riding till HoChiMinh city ?

    • Well they are one of the biggest producers of rice in the world so chances are it’s the same rice we all eat back home.

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