Tuy Hoa to Nha Trang, 79.8mi

More hills, headwinds, and heat made for a pretty brutal ride yesterday. Got to the hotel at 4:30 ate some ramen in the room and went to bed. The scenery was pretty nice though, maybe the best we have seen so far.

We saw a couple of cyclists on a tandem heading North. Waves were exchanged but both parties continued on, too tired for a ‘stop and chat.’ We also met an Italian on a bike also heading to HCMC while searching for a hotel. He started his journey in Hue.

Also this happened.

4 thoughts on “Tuy Hoa to Nha Trang, 79.8mi

    • Should be about 324 miles the way we are planning to go. We still have the big climb ahead of us the next 2 rides though.

      That would be a small cow. They are sort of “free range” I guess. We’ve seen them wondering around in the roads and crossing highways by themselves. There are also a ton of water buffalo but we didn’t mange and great photos of one.

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