Two Days off in Nha Trang

We met back up with the Italian cyclist and had a chance to exchange route plans over breakfast.
After that things got exciting. On our way to more Cham Towers, one of the phones was left behind in a taxi. Just missing him, we jumped in another taxi and went back to where he picked us up. There was no sign of him but we recognized someone the driver was talking with earlier, and with a translator app on the other phone, and a bit of luck, explained the situation. He made a call and a few minutes later the phone was back. We gave him some money for hassle. Also, in the confusion we accidentally paid the second taxi driver ten times the fare! Still it could have been a lot worse and the driver got a laugh when we asked him to bring us back to the towers, which he did free of charge.


These date around the 8th century making the towers we saw previously seem brand new. From there we checked out a Buddhist pagoda and another giant Buddha statue. As the monks are vegetarian, there was a veg restaurant right on the grounds of the pagoda so we had some lunch. After a visit to the beach and a local microbrewery we called it a night.

This morning we headed out to sea for some snorkeling. There are some reefs just off the coast of Nha Trang.

Saw some crazy sea creatures.

The area is quite beautiful and is one of the best spots for snorkeling and diving in the country.

From here, we cut inland and begin our two day climb to Dalat.

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