Dau Giay to Ho Chi Minh City, 51.8mi

We made it!

After 1,164 miles the journey is complete. We had a lot of good times and some tough ones as well but it’s a trip we will never forget.

We still have a week here in Saigon to relax a bit before we head home. Thanks to everyone who kept track of us over the past month.

9 thoughts on “Dau Giay to Ho Chi Minh City, 51.8mi

  1. So proud of you both! I don’t know many people who would have even attempted this adventure, but I didn’t doubt you two for a minute. Thanks so much for taking us along.

    • Yep. This is the biggest city in Vietnam. There is a bunch of stuff to do. It is just nice to not have to finagle more hotel rooms and find food. The place we have here is nice and there is a supermarket and a handful of veg restaurants around.

  2. wow awesome trip cant wait to see the thousands of pictures you two took when you get home..Have a great last week call when you can love you

  3. What an experience! Very proud of you both and that you are my family 🙂 See you soon!

  4. Remember when it was a crazy long trip that you rode up from NJ to my house in CT? So rad!

    • I do. Thanks man.

      Vietnam is definitely a recommend for me, for anyone biking or not. Really interesting and very affordable.

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