Cheese and Raisins

73 miles to Blanding, UT. Getting very dry. Drinking a ton more water.

The photo is of some lake along the way that they must be using BLUE#4
on or something.

Camping tonight at a RV park. Tommorows ride has nothing at all as far
as civilization for 75 miles.

The Great Outdoors

69.6 miles today over some pretty good climbs. Camping just outside of
Dolores, CO. Rough place to camp, I ripped my tent a little. And the
holes are wearing out bigger. I think this will be the first and last
journey for my lil tent.

Thanks Mary

Last night was great. Huge thanks to Mary for letting us stay and
using her kitchen. You have an amazing view. It was nice hanging out
with you and Rob.

If that wasn't enough to make Telluride awesome, her neighbor gave us
two huge trays of rice and beans.

Made up for getting my first flat since Richmond.

Telluride, CO

53 miles. This is a cool place. Chris and me are staying with someone
here in town who offered us their livingroom, cause the city park
which normally allows camping was being used for a jazz festival.

Lame photo.