Mr. Demitt

Mr. Demitt uses a bike to collect cans off the road, and along with
his social secruity check he does alright.

I talked with Mr. Demitt over an hour. He was real smart and gave me
an inside tip of the upcoming civil unrest and other interesting
facts. On short wave he's been hearing about civilian armies. America
is the new Babylon.

Newton, KS

75.4 miles of suckin' wind. It's getting real desolate out here.

I just passed up a guest bedroom offer and I'm already kicking myself.
In my mind I was thinking how awkward it would have been if I showed
up with them to their parents place on Mother's Day like a stray
dog. …yea I'm an idiot.

Happy Mother's Day!

Guilty Pleasure

64.3 miles to Eureka, KS

In my defense there is a tornado warning til 9 tonight.

Out of curiosity I wanted to see what this motel would charge me.
After whining them down to $26 no tax I gave in.

I figure I could use a shower. Plus I can make ramen with their