Oh Zarks!

46.3 miles to Centerville, MO.

Today I started hitting the Ozark Mountains, they aren’t that bad. I’m at a library, it’s 2 days with no phone, if I catch some wifi I’ll post some photos.

Today I hit a storm that made any other rain I’ve had so far feel like a drizzle. I literally couldn’t ride and the wind was ripping the bike out of my hands. Luckily this guy let me in his place and everyone there turned out to be a bunch of fun. I owe them a post card from California.

After an hour or so it cleared up. Also I rescued 2 more turtles from certain death.


Today I'm staying in Farmington, MO. 49.4 miles. They have an all you
can eat china buffet that I stayed at til they asked me nicely to leave.

No Turtle Left Behind

It's been a masacre out here, but today I finally saved one! This
little guy was right in the middle of the road. I took him down this
gravel road and then brought him a ways into some woods. It made my day.

West of The Mississippi

This morning I crossed the Mississippi River into Missouri.

Truck traffic has been real heavy at times and shoulders have been
rare. I personally can not wait until gas runs dry and if I had the
chance I would set fire to the oil wells myself.

One Month In

I've been at it one month now. I went 1569.9 miles. It feels like it's
going quick but at the same time when I think back about places I've
been through they seem like an awfully long time ago.

So far I regret not staying another night in Damascus, not buying this
t-shirt I saw for 50 cents, not taking enough photos, and not taking
that lady's 20 bucks.

From here it's about 20 days to my sister's in Denver and about 25-30
days from there to San Fransisco.

Thanks to everyone checking up on me.

Home of Popeye

43.8 miles

Did you know Popeye was made up by a guy Elzie Segar? Well he was and
Segar was from Chester, IL. And the people here love it.

I went to the popeye museum. And saw photos of the people from town
Elzie modeled all the popeye guys after. Wacky.

Carbondale, IL

I only went 29.3 miles today to end in Carbondale where I read "bike
surgeon" puts people up. Well that was a bum out. The new management
told me where the motels where. Overall I give that shop my first
thumbs down. Instead go up the block to Pheonox Bikes. I got a sweet
cup holder for 3 bucks.

So I'm going to enjoy my second night of luxury. Cooking with a microwave
in my room. And harvesting the continental breakfast.