VCU University Band

I just finnished the longest ride so far, 81.3 miles to Richmond, VA.
I went a little further south than I was gonna, but I get to see a
friend from back home going to college here. And even caught her
concert by luck.


I'm camping tonight in Dale City, VA. On the way here I rode along
with guy name Fred for almost ten miles. Then at Mt. Vernon I got
directions from two lovely women bikers. They ended up chipping in a
fiver to sponsor my trip. I felt bad taking it, but bought a bunch of
food with it.

I really need to set up my tent before it gets dark.

Oh yea. This was 54.6 miles by the time I got to the campsite.


Yesterday I made it to Washington D.C. (58.6 miles) I hung out with my
friends Anthony and Danielle. Thanks guys for the food and letting me
crash. We caught a movie, "girls rock". And they did.

Charm City

Yesterday I got to Balitmore, MD. 61miles. I got to stay with Randi
and Patrick at Towston U. It was great seeing you. Thanks for having
me and feeding me. Off to D.C.

It took about an hour for state police to let me know that I'm not on
a campground. After the interogation they decided to let me stay. They
thought it was cool I was riding and it turned out the one guy did I
ride from Connecticut to Canada.

After all that I slept pretty good until the rain woke me up. I
managed to get in a couple more hour then I packed up and started out
in the rain.

By the way, I recreated that photo after they split.

First Night Camping

I made it to White Clay Creek State Park in Delaware. 46.2 miles. But
I left a little late and got a little lost so it is too dark to tell
if I am at an actual campground.

Also, this was the first time I set up my tent. Am I going to try to
sleep now.