Thanks Carrie

So the place I got to stay at last night was actually a UCLA frat
house that the frat got kicked out of. Only a couple people were

But they still had some rules, so I couldn't crash on the couch but I
could sleep in a hammock on the front porch. Ha.

Slept great though, thanks Carrie.

Los Angeles, CA

68.2 miles.

My luck has run out. Flat and I busted a spoke, went through hell to
fix it and then busted another. Decided to just ride it like that and
now my wheel's all out of whack. But I made it to LA and with the help
of warmshowers I have a place to stay.

Tommorow I'm just shooting for Pasadena to stay with friends of a
friend. So I'll have time to deal with my bike, maybe my phone, and
see some tourist stuff.

And I found 5 dollars.

It’s a Surrey

Seriously. Who wants to crew one of these badboys. Imagine this on a
real deal trip. People could rest well others pedaled. You could trip
it out with a radio and a cooler.

Who's down?

Ventura, CA

Yesterday rode with those dudes 85.4 miles to Ventura, CA.

Another flat. My phone's been giving me guff, not wanting to charge
all the time. Good news is I found my lock at the bottom of my bag.
Nobody steal my bike.

Lumpoc, CA, Free Lunch, Lost Lock

Passing through Pismo Beach, this guy I rode along with a little ways
bought me lunch, cashew tofu.

I met back up with the guys i thought were Canadians and that I
thought had my lock. They didn't. Free lock at Moro Bay State Park
hiker site. Combination (FOUND IT!).

71.6 miles to Lumpoc, CA. Camping with those dudes.


Last nights campground was much nicer when I could see it.

Left my lock there. Hoping the Canadians picked it up and that I run
into them again and I get it back. I got high hopes.

Morro Bay, CA

Just made it back to the coast and well south of the fires. I slept
late and doing 96.8 miles left me riding in the dark on roads with no
lights. It was fun. Since I was going to have to setup camp with a
flashlight either way I stopped at this place for food.

Two guys from Canada that I met a couple days ago were sleeping when I
got to the park.