Oakland, CA

90.7 miles to Oakland, CA. Which is basically San Fransisco! I'll ride
out to the coast tomorrow.

Staying here with Jasmine from back in Philly who is now from Oakland.

Davis, CA

59 miles to and around Davis, CA. Extremely bike friendly city.

Staying with a friend here. Thanks Ali, Lina, Cat, and Michelle for
letting me stay. Had a blast meeting you all and watching youtube.

Woodfords, CA

63.4 miles to Woodfords, CA. Camped free at Crystal Springs national

I don't think I'm that close to the wild fires in California. But the
whole area has been smoked out. Everyone was talking about it in Reno.
You could even smell it there.


Leaving Reno late yesterday, I was planning on staying another night
in Nevada, since thanks to Barry I had someone to stay with in Carson
City. But I couldn't handle being that close to the border.

Lame sign on the back road I took.

Reno, NV

37.5 miles down the freeway to Reno. Got here way early to check the
city out.

Got a room for 35 bucks at The Heart of Town. And some guy just walked
in, I figure he had the wrong room or the wrong motel. But he's key
worked no problem. Ha. Got to love it.

Fernley, NV 4000+ Miles!

I started going off route to pass through Reno. 75.7 miles to Fernley,
NV, putting me at 4058.8 miles pedaled.

Chris decided to stay on track. It was cool riding with someone but
somethings are good about going alone. Anyways, I'm sure we'll meet
again since we are going the same way, at the least in San Fransisco.

The ocean is getting closer but I'm pretty much settled on doing the
pacific coast now for sure.

Camping at an off route town park always makes me feel like a hobo,
which I'm not cause I have a bike.