
This is Razor he runs the Misty Mountains Campground in Greewood, VA.
His prices were a little steep but he had nice showers.

Greenwood, VA

52 miles and I made to Greenwood, VA. I had to pay to sleep for the
first time. It sucks when you have to shell out 20 bucks to camp,
which is about as much as I've spent on food the entire trip.

Getting hot. Virginia evedently has huge mountains.


I passed through Charlottesville and spent 2 hours in a Cici's all you
can eat pizza. And was talking to a guy who rode crosscoutry before.

Twin Oaks

Yesterday I stayed at the Twin Oaks Community 47 miles from Richmond.
Thanks Luke at Bunny Hop for telling me about it. At Twin Oaks they
had a place for me to camp and while I was there they had a huge dinner.

They have a real good thing going over there. They grow their own food
and make and sell hammocks and tofu!