Tribune, KS

46.9 miles

I ended up today at the same place as Ken and Sue from over a week
ago. The town pool here open today so I got to swim again.

Able to Help

These guys were stuck with two busted spokes on the hub side. The
spares I had were long enough to rig something up and get them moving.

Been running into more people riding.


So I had to wait for a kids swim class to finish before I could swim,
but then the owner told me it's against the law for me to use the pool
after every went home. I assumed this was for insurance purposes and
what he was really saying was go nuts!

What I’ve Noticed About Kansas

Towns form around these huge silos. Every town has one and a lot of
towns have nothing else. I was told they are farmers co-ops and a
bunch a farms work together. It is so flat and open that you can see
these things from miles away. The closest these towns ever are is
maybe 15 miles, but you can actually see from one to the next. It's
so wide open you get this strange feeling. Odd.


On my way to find a park in Scott City, KS (56.8 miles) I found out
about this gym that let's bikers sleep on their pullout couch for 10
bucks. Plus they have an indoor pool!