DeRidder, LA to Kirbyville, TX – 45.2 mi

Great start today with nicely paved, quiet roads for miles. 

TEXAS!!! Another new state for both of us. 

Tonight, we are staying in a church of all places!  A great thanks to Jim for getting us all set up here. We feasted like kings with the help of their kitchen and a well stocked grocery store in town. 


Get to share this space with another biker who is doing a coast to coast ride. Always enjoyable to talk shop for a night. 

Bunkie LA to Ville Platte LA – 34.7 Miles

This was meant to be a short day to camp in Chicot State Park. 


We made it early, then when we called ahead to our next campground,we found out they’d be closed, which meant our next day was going to be big. On top of that our water boiler kicked it and all the food we had needed hot water. 

So, instead we pushed on and are in a hotel, no-cheese pizza and less miles for tomorrow. 


Baton Rouge LA to Morganza LA – 54.8 Miles

It was a tough start getting out of Baton Rouge in the morning but when we did the roads improved and it was smooth riding the rest of the day.  
Morale also improved as we crossed the Mighty Mississippi. 


Stopped in an RV park for the night but we have finally joined the real Adventure Cycling Southern Tier. 


These guys were just chillin behind the camp. We tried to tell them we were friendly but they ran away anyway. 


Convent LA to Baton Rouge LA – 39.5 Miles

Camping at Poche Platation was really nice. They had a kitchen we could use and AC for us to lounge in all night. A little pricey but would recommend.   
The road into Baton Rouge was less than ideal. When we were lucky enough to have a shoulder there was a lot of debris. 

Nowhere to camp in Baton Rouge so we are splurging for a hotel, which will be enjoyed. 

NOLA to Convent LA – 65.5 Miles

Well New Orleans was a binge fest.  Lots of great food including vegan versions of poboys, gumbo and beignets!  

Can’t thank Sarah and Callie enough for putting us up and showing us around. 


 We expected rain today, so we basically rode the 65mi without stopping. Pretty exhausted but made it to our next stop without a drop. Enjoyed some pretty nice paths along the way as well.